Tips and tricks for diesel particulate filters
The cost to replace a diesel particulate filter may run into thousands of euros, depending onthe make of the car. Smaller vehicles are no exception in this regard. A cheaper alternative isto renew the diesel particulate filter by cleaning it using special equipment and cleaners. Inmany cases, it will be possible to ‘salvage’ your diesel particulate filter (thereby saving youmoney) using these cleaners, without the need to disassemble the filter. JLM Lubricants isable to supply the equipment, additives and cleaners that can significantly enhance the lifeand performance of the diesel particulate filter and in turn, your car.

JLM Lubricants resolve DPF problems once and for all
Diesel cars are subject to legal limits in respect of the quantity of particulate matter and sootthey may emit. In order to comply with these strict requirements, car manufacturers fit allmodern diesel-powered private cars and small vans with a diesel particulate filter. The dieselparticulate filter (DPF) prevents miniscule dust particles (fine particulate) and soot that areemitted by the engine from being released into the environment where they can causedamage.However, the accumulated dust, soot and other residues will clog up the filter over time. Thecar’s electronic system is programmed to automatically clean (regenerate) the filter at regularintervals. To burn off the residues, the engine management system in the car will injectadditional diesel or regeneration fluid or a combination of the two into the diesel particulatefilter at approximately every 1000 kilometres. For this cleaning process to take place, theengine must be at operating temperature and there must also be sufficient time to completethe cleaning or regeneration in full.
Tips and tricks for diesel particulate filters
As a rule, in cars that are used for extended trips on motorways and are driven at higherspeeds regularly, the DPF is regenerated successfully. The same may not be true for cars thatare hardly ever or never driven for any long distances but that typically travel in and aroundbuilt-up areas. In this group of cars in particular, the regeneration process is unable to start asthe engine does not reach a sufficiently high temperature. Another common problem in these cars is that the regeneration process is started, only for it to be cut off prematurely becausethe destination has been reached before the engine temperature is sufficient.If the cleaning of the DPF fails repeatedly, the engine will begin to lag and ultimately enter theso-called emergency mode, causing the DPF system warning light to light up. A car that hasentered emergency mode can be driven to a garage in order to be checked. Never keepdriving the car for any extended period of time once the emergency mode is active, as thismay result in costly damage to the engine. When the DPF system develops a fault, affordablefixes are available so it is important to get to a garage as soon as possible.The cost to replace a diesel particulate filter may run into thousands of euros, depending onthe make of the car. Smaller vehicles are no exception in this regard. A cheaper alternative isto renew the diesel particulate filter by cleaning it using special equipment and cleaners. Inmany cases, it will be possible to ‘salvage’ your diesel particulate filter (thereby saving youmoney) using these cleaners, without the need to disassemble the filter. JLM Lubricants isable to supply the equipment, additives and cleaners that can significantly enhance the life andperformance of the diesel particulate filter and in turn, your car.
Determine the cause of the blockage
It is important to investigate the cause of the blockage in the diesel particulate filter. Signs of afault in the diesel particulate filter include a high, rising fuel consumption, a decrease inperformance (lagging) and/or the warning light for a DPF fault lighting up on the dashboard. Inthe case of the latter two, a client will in all likelihood visit a workshop.If a car displaying any of these issues is brought to your workshop, proceed as follows todetermine the cause of the problem. In every instance, check the oil level first of all. If the oillevel rises too high, this will have been caused by a large number of unsuccessfulregenerations. This, in turn, often occurs when cars are primarily used to drive short distancesor when the injection system or the air supply develops a fault.Even in cars that successfully regenerate their filter, clogging will occur eventually. This is dueto the ash that is produced during regeneration and which accumulates in the filter. This issuecan arise around the 150,000-kilometre mark. The accumulation of ash will cause theelectronic system to attempt to clean the filter more often and the warning light will come on. Inmany cases, drivers will continue to use their car as the performance appears unaffected andbecause they are aware of the (high) cost attached to a fault in the DPF.Initially, only the fuel consumption will increase. This is a gradual change, which in practice willgenerally go unnoticed. A point will be reached when the diesel particulate filter contains somuch ash that the electronic system will stop regenerating it. The filter will become blocked much ash that the electronic system will stop regenerating it. The filter will become blockedand the engine will cut out. Only after the filter has been cleaned or replaced will the enginework again.
Prevent faults and expensive bills
Prevention is better than cure. This is not only true for the human body, but cars too. Why riska high bill for a new diesel particulate filter if there is a way in which you could reduce this risksignificantly or even eliminate it completely?Additives by JLM Lubricants protect the entire intake and exhaust system, from the fuel tank tothe diesel particulate filter, including the internal components of the engine such as expensivefuel injectors and sensitive moving parts. Browse our product pages and ask your JLM retailerfor further information, without obligation.
J02200 – JLM Diesel DPF ReGen Plus
JLM Diesel DPF ReGen Plus is a preventative agent for diesel cars with particulate filters thatprevents troublesome and costly problems and breakdowns. This additive keeps particulatefilters in optimum condition and prevents high replacement costs. JLM Diesel DPF ReGenPlus is added to the fuel. The high concentration of active ingredients in the additive ensuresthat soot in the diesel particulate filter burns at a lower temperature and therefore burnssooner and more effectively.
J02210 – Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner
JLM Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner is a very powerful and effective cleaner for dieselparticulate filters in diesel-engined cars in which the orange DPF warning light has come on.JLM Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner removes residues. There is no need to dismantle thediesel particulate filter. This saves time and therefore money. Add the contents of a bottle to afull tank of fuel and drive the car again. The cleaner ensures that the soot in the dieselparticulate filter burns at a low speed, when the engine is under a light load and even duringshort journeys.
J02230 – Diesel DPF Cleaning & Flush Fluidpack / J02250 – Diesel DPF Cleaning Toolkit
In combination with the JLM Cleaning & Flush Fluid Package, the JLM Diesel DPF CleaningToolkit cleans and restores very dirty diesel particulate filters and saves the motorist up tothousands of euros in replacement costs. Once a diesel particulate filter is totally clogged withdeposits it often has to be completely replaced. Depending on the make and model of the car,a new diesel particulate filter, including dismantling and fitting, can easily cost 1000 euros andin some cases up to 5000 euros.
Cleaning and restoring diesel particulate filters with JLM Cleaning & Flush fluid is moreeconomical than replacing the diesel particulate filter and saves time as well as money. Theworkshop can completely clean the diesel particulate filter in a maximum of one hour, withoutthe filter having to be dismantled. After loosening the grease and dirt in the diesel particulatefilter, the flush or rinsing fluid flushes the filter until it is thoroughly clean. This disperses sootparticles throughout the diesel particulate filter, pulling them apart from each other. As a resultof this, the diesel particulate filter is thoroughly cleaned during forced regeneration.